10 Warning Signs


It Might Be Time for Assisted Living

Are you starting to get worried about Mom or Dad being by themselves at home? Watch the video to familiarizing yourself with the signs.

Assisted Living

Familiarizing yourself with these 10 signs will help make the planning process much easier.

    1. 1. Mobility Issues: Is Mom or Dad having trouble walking around the house, walking up and down the stairs or demonstrating any signs of decreased mobility? Are you worried about falls and fractures due to normal physical changes that can limit your loved one’s mobility?
    1. 2. Memory Problems: Does Mom or Dad tend to forget important events, doctor appointments or even forget to take their medications? Do you notice any issues related to memory problems like repeating the same questions and statements over and over, misplacing things or leaving the stove on several times? Does your aging love one wander away from home?
    1. 3. Needs Help with Personal Care or Grooming: Does your aging parent go out without brushing his/her hair, wear dirty clothes, have bad breath or demonstrate other signs of neglecting personal hygiene? For seniors with medical conditions, hygienic tasks may be difficult to do.
    1. 4. Housekeeping Issues: Next time you visit your aging loved one, try to observe and look around the house. Is the house well maintained? Are the counters and floors dirty? Are there spoiled foods in the refrigerator? If you answer yes to any of these questions, chances are your aging relative needs help with household chores.
    1. 5. Driving Safety Issues: Are you worried about your aging loved one’s driving abilities? Are there scratches or dents on the car or several traffic tickets? These driving safety issues may be a result of cognitive impairment and diminished motor capabilities due to aging. If you feel that your parent or aging relative can no longer drive safely, you have to find a way to get him or her to stop driving.
    1. 6. Weight Loss: Has your mom, dad or aging relative been losing weight? Is it a sudden weight loss? If yes, then it might be an indication that the seniors is not eating. This may be due to decreased in appetite, loss of ability to do grocery shopping or to prepare and cook their own food. However, for some seniors, weight loss may be attributed to memory loss, which results to skipping meals or forgetting to eat.
    1. 7. Money Management Assistance: When visiting your aging relative, do you notice tons of bills on the counter, receipts for large charitable donations, calls or final notices from creditors? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, chances are your elderly loved one needs help in managing his or her finances.
    1. 8. Issues with Medication: Proper medication is important for seniors who have medical conditions. When visiting your aging relative, do you notice any expired medicine bottles or unfilled prescriptions? If you do, this may be a sign that your aging loved one is no longer able to manage his or her own medications properly.
    1. 9. Inability to Communicate: Does your aging love one experience difficulties in communicating their feelings and emotions? If yes, then it might be a sign that your elderly loved one is starting to lose the sharpness she or he once had.
  1. 10. Depression : Depression affects everyone, including seniors. However, the warning signs of senior depression can be different than younger adults, which make it harder to identify. Decrease in interests in things your aging relative once loved, moodiness, lack of appetite, fatigue and other behavioral changes are some signs of depression.